
I was 16 when I wrote my first serious story and discovered my love for words. For introverted, contemplative people, writing is a pleasure. I've even found writing therapeutic. Like musical ability, athletic talent, or artistic flair, wordsmithing is a gift from God, and I experience great joy and fulfillment when I use that gift to glorify Him. Over the years, I have written 350+ poems and short stories. I call them "ramblings."

Ramblings: Poems and Stories

Book 1 -- Poems and Short Stories from Age 16-31


My ramblings are sometimes serious, sometimes not. They are a snapshot of the adventures of my life from age 16 to 31. Thus, these poems and stories are not included in my other books dedicated to Psalms, Jeremiah, and Isaiah.


To ramble is to take an excursion, an adventure, not knowing what's ahead. To ramble is also to wander with words. I ramble a lot, not so much with words but with thoughts. Sometimes those ramblings make it to paper.


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Psalms: Poetic Ramblings

Book 2 -- Poems and short stories for each of the 150 psalms.


In January 1999, my pastor challenged me to use my daily "quiet time" not simply to read the Bible but to see God through the words, to learn more of His nature and character. He also challenged me not simply to pray to God but to speak with Him, to present myself to Him, to behold His presence.


I took this challenge to heart. I was inspired to pick up the pen again, something I had not done since 1994. My goal was to describe God, to "paint a picture" I had never painted before. I dove into the psalms and took as much time as necessary to read, study, meditate, pray over, and write a poem or story for each psalm. The process took me two years. My hope is that you find God in every word, line, poem, and story, and behold Him as I did.


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Jeremiah: Poetic Ramblings

Book 3 -- Poems and stories for each of the chapters of Jeremiah.


Jeremiah had God's call on his life to speak His words to His people, both through teaching and writing. Jeremiah was faithful to that call whether people listened or ignored him. This calling, which the Lord said He ordained before Jeremiah was born, gave him a driving purpose in life, a motivation that superseded all other loves he had. He called it "a fire in his bones."


God's words in Jeremiah challenge me to abandon my idols, to worship God without hypocrisy, to boast in nothing but His work in my life, to view life's "quizzes" as preparation for "the test," to delight in God's Word like eating food, to keep me humble when I need it, and to trust His sovereignty, love, and wisdom.


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Isaiah: Poetic Ramblings

Book 4 -- Poems and stories for each of the chapters of Isaiah.


Isaiah served as a prophet to God's people for more than 60 years.

He prophesied some of the most difficult days in their history, such as their judgment and destruction through the nation of Assyria. He was also given such a clear vision of the Messiah (Chosen One) that his book is sometimes called the "Fifth Gospel."


Some of the common themes that surface in Isaiah's book are the greatness of God (compared to the worthless idols of the world), our shortcomings and redemption, and the humble servanthood and sacrificial death of the Messiah.


The 66 poems from this book will both encourage and challenge you.


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Example Poems

A Man of His Word
My Life's Passion
A Man of His Word.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [109.6 KB]
Are You Naked?
Living an Unhindered Life
Are You Naked.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [133.6 KB]
A Teacher's Toil
Always Throwing Seeds... But Are Any of Them Growing?
A Teachers Toil.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [203.3 KB]
Five Kernels of Corn
"What Can Sustain Us But God and His Grace?" -- Pilgrim Governor William Bradford
Five Kernels of Corn.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [114.8 KB]
The Anvil
Grass Withers, Flowers Fade, But the Word of God Stands Forever
The Anvil.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [321.9 KB]
Are You Useful to the Master, Prepared for Every Good Work?
Vessels -- A.Ferguson.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [222.1 KB]
When God Was Silent
Heaven's Reaction to the Crucifixion
When God Was Silent.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [223.1 KB]

Example Short Stories

Three Nails and a Hammer
A Story about a Slave and His Savior
Three Nails and a Hammer -- A.Ferguson.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [319.8 KB]