The Story of BiAY
In 2005, Aaron was meeting with a group of men committed to memorizing Scripture and praying together. One night, as they were setting spiritual goals for the new year, Aaron commented that he would like to read the Bible chronologically, something he had not done before. The following week, the guys in the group presented Aaron with a gift -- the One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). Little did he know that this Bible would change his life.
As Aaron prepared to read through the Bible chronologically in 2006, he prayed about asking his small group at church to join him for the journey. Eighteen couples committed to reading the Bible in 2006, and BiAY was born (Bible in a year). As the group met to discuss the assigned reading each Sunday evening, Aaron developed some tools to help participants understand what they were reading. Those tools included book previews, charts, maps, visuals, weekly reviews, and discussion questions. The group not only had a great time studying the Bible in a year, but many of them experienced personal growth and understanding.
After 2006 had ended, Bart Sego (one of the participants) asked Aaron what he planned to do with the BiAY materials. He convinced Aaron that these tools needed to be available for others to use and enjoy. Thus, in 2007, the One Year Chronological Bible Study Guide was made available online.
In 2016, the tenth anniversary of the BiAY, many of the 2006 participants wanted to repeat their experience and decided to read the Bible chronologically again. This time, Bart had another suggestion for Aaron -- to write a daily devotion to help readers understand and apply what they were reading. Providentially, that was the year that Aaron rotated off from his Elder responsibilities at church. In other words, God provided a break and plenty of margin for this incredible project. Thus, Aaron wrote the One Year Chronological Bible Daily Reflections and made it available online in 2017. In 2020, during the pandemic, Aaron published the Study Guide and Daily Reflections. Both are now available in book format.
Near the end of 2022, Aaron was talking with his daughter, who said, "Dad, I really like the Bible in a year, but we only read the New Testament for a little over three months. Can you write something just for the New Testament?" Thus, the idea was born. Aaron took 2023 to write the Daily Reflections for a one year reading of the chronological New Testament. Fifty friends and family members joined the journey (helping with edits and encouragement along the way). It was a wonderful year!
Meanwhile, Aaron led a study of the New Testament in his church small group on Sunday evenings. Those materials are now in the Study Guide for the one year chronogical New Testament. Though these materials are free at, both the Study Guide (NT) and Daily Reflections (NT) are available in book format.
With very little advertising, the power of the word of mouth, and the unparalleled reach of the Internet, the Lord has opened doors all across the country for both sets of these Study Guides and Daily Reflections. Individuals, small groups, and even entire churches have used these helpful tools to deepen their understanding of God's Word.
God is good. May He receive all the glory and praise!